
雅思机经 | 9月16日考试回播

2017年09月20日 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 人浏览




Section 1,咨询——报纸刊登,10笔记 

Section 2,介绍——旅游参观,10笔记  

Section 3,新题待补充   

Section 4,社科——食物生产,10笔记



Section 1


场景: 咨询——报纸刊登




1.       Newspaper page: the front page

2.       Newspaper story: Parkhurst

3.       Photo subject athletic of the week

4.       photo use private/personal

5.       image type: colour

6.       price $80

7.       processing method size normal

8.       payment type by cheque/check

9.       delivery method postal by mail

10.   reading frequency every day






Section 2



题型: 10笔记


11.   visit biggest dinosaur bones

12.   170 dinosaur footprints

13.   night tour trip is recommended

14.   there is artificial light which helps you see clearly

introduce the early history of Canadian mining industry

15.   minerals resources and the development of local

16.  stop at rest area of the highway, parking and enjoy your view

17.   small bears are special in blue colour

18.   one of the cleanest rivers in the world

19.   ride in horseback needs government’s permit

20.   transport by boat



解析: 难得全填空类的S2,部分意想不到的内容如night tour, permit,以及词汇拼写难点minerals, cleanest等,都是陷阱,需要注意。



Section 3

新旧情况: 新题

场景: 待补充






Section 4





31-40) 笔记完成

31. the amount of CO2 you have to discharge from eating a meal is the same as that from driving

32. the repair process of making 100g coffee can result in one 140g CO2

33. the meat production process releases more greenhouse gases CO2

34. A great deal of CO2 also originated from cooking

35. the manufacturing process for packaging brings out a lot of CO2

36. the transportation is to release CO2 as well

37. the total amount of CO2 increases a lot due to the damage of forests

38. farming practice also brings out a lot of CO2.

39. for example food should be provided when breeding chicken

40. to solve the problem of the production process should be able to altered but fishing and cannot be changed.



解析: 依旧是10个笔记完成体的S4,要拼写的单词都不是特别难,定位的抓取和词性判断还是考查重点。

参考练习: C7T4S4


一、  考试概述:



Passage 1:

题目:Man or Machine

题型:段落细节配对 6 +填空题7




雅思机经 | 9月16日考试回播



1. Different ways of robots in helping people E

2. the name of a robot shoes limbs are of the same size of an adult C

3. a contrast between ASIMO and other robots D

4. robot use in artistic works G

5. arguments for and against robots F

6. people’s reaction to robots in an exhibition A


7. company

8. backpack

9. interact with

10. behaviour

11. Cog

12. intelligence

13. environment



Passage 2:

题目: 无

题型:人名观点配对5+填空题4+判断题 4




雅思机经 | 9月16日考试回播


人名观点配对 有NB:

14. A Government

15. E Douglas Dockery

16. F John Bower

17. F John Bower

18. C Advisory Group on Medical Aspects of Air Quality Episodes


19. traffic fumes

20. four

21. breathing

22. heart


23. Anderson’s research is conclusive on the fatal event. NO

24. 10 per cent increase was caused by some unexpected events. YES

25. NO2 caused more deaths than particulates. NO

26. Government failed to set an upper limit on particulates. NOT GIVEN


Passage 3:

题名:Speech Act and Philosophy









27. C are not enough for analyzing language-related acts

28. B are examples of true and false

29. B demonstrate the capability of language to carry out actions

30. A find right and wrong of the sentences used

31. D the speaker’s thoughts are known

32. D the speaker may not take the action


33. F

34. A

35. D


36. Interrogative sentence can be used to tell people what to do. YES

37. Language is the most interest field of philosophy. NOT GIVEN

38. Philosophers paid little attention to what is right or wrong. NO

39. Moral judgment is best assessed on right or wrong question. NO

40. Science and Law should have different assessment methods. YES




Writing Task 1

The bar chart below shows the production of energy produced by wind in four different countries from 1985 to 2000.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

雅思机经 | 9月16日考试回播


The bar chart illustrates the energy production stemming from wind in four different countries in every four years from 1985 to 2000.

India and Demark produced increasing amount of energy within the 20 years. For the former, less than 100 units of energy were generated from wind before rising dramatically to 1100 units in the later period. In terms of Demark, the wind-producing energy was also not much compared with other developed countries, albeit the fact that the production soared to 1400 units in 1995 and in 2000, Demark boasted the largest quantity of energy production from wind, at 1700 units.

The 20 years witnessed the same pattern for the change of energy in the USA and Germany, both experiencing a rise and then a fall. The USA was the country where a largest quantity of wind energy was produced except the last year, with 1200 units generated in 1985 and 1500 units deriving from wind. Germany showed the similar situation, and it was noticeable that there was a notable drop over the last five years.

In general, wind power gained growing popularity with years going by.


Writing Task 2





An increasing number of people   change their career and place of residence several times during their lives.   It is positive or negative development?


参考范文 (Word Count: 307)

Gone are the days when people were supposed to stay in the same place and hold the same post for a lifetime, though some still do so. Actually, sticking to the same job or otherwise are two lifestyles contingent upon one’s fortune and personality.    


The merits of remaining in the same post are the following two aspects. Firstly, it promotes the competence of those who are long engaged in the profession. It is understandable that repetition leads to professionalism, and professionalism, not surprisingly, enhances efficiency and quality. Secondly, you can lead a stable life without worrying where the next meal comes from, this sense of security can facilitate your career development. Such a practice is preferable for those who expect security and stability in life, but it does not work for those who take a delight in a diverse life, for the same work would crush their enthusiasm and imagination.


The value of accommodation and job change falls into two categories as well. It is void of the choking tedium of routine work, presenting to employees constant challenges and thus a more exciting life. Meanwhile, it is by changing jobs that opportunities are unfolded to many of us. It is always the luckiest ones whose first jobs are just the ones they want, while most of the time, the majority of us have to try many ways before finally finding out where our potentials lie. Elvis Presley was a truck driver before he became a singing superstar. Harrison Ford worked as a carpenter before he was devoted to movies. They would not have succeeded if they had held onto the original posts.


As William Shakespeare put it, “There is nothing good or bad; but thinking makes it so.” The same holds true for job change. If you prefer stability, you try to secure a stable job. If you enjoy diversity, why not try the other way?




1. Describe an event in history in your country.

2. Describe something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet.

3. Describe your favorite piece of clothing.

4. Describe TV series you like.

5. Describe an impressive work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.



Describe a TV series you like 

You should say:

  • where the TV series are;

  • who act these series;

  • what is the plot;

  • and explain how you feel about it.


Sample answer:

The first TV series that occurred to me was an American supernatural drama called The Vampires Diaries, adapted from the popular book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The show is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, which is full of mystical history events and secrets among all the founding families. It mainly follows the life of Elena Gilbert, played by Nina Dobrev, a teenage girl who has just lost her parents in a car accident and then falls in love with a 162-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore, played by Paul Wesley. Their relationship becomes increasingly complicated because of Stefan's mysterious older brother Damon Salvatore, played by Ian Somerhalder, who plans to bring back their past lover Katherine Pierce, a vampire who looks exactly like Elena. Then everything happens around the love triangle among the three main characters, with some additional story lines revolving around the other inhabitants of the town, most of whom are also supernatural beings.

I am a big fan of the show due to two major facts. First of all, fantasy is really one of my favorite genres as the plots are usually involved with supernatural creatures like vampires, witches or werewolves, which are not existed, well at least unknown in our real life. Secondly, each episode of the first few seasons begins with a monologue from one of the main characters, starting like “Dear Diary,...”, I do feel a sense of romance from this way of expression. Although the story becomes a bit tedious and sloppy in the last few seasons, I still consider it one of my favorite TV series.

